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HomeSCSA PractiScore

PractiScore And The Steel Challenge

Fellow luddites! Match scoring at SWPL is paperless. Each shooter is now required to record their stage scores on a mobile device running the free Practiscore App. While there is a local WiFi network to connect with the Match Tablet, there is no public WiFi or Cell coverage on the range. So download Practiscore before arriving at the match, then become familiar with it. Each month, Six of the Eight possible Steel Challenge stages are built, with the stages and locations changing each month. At the Shooter’s Meeting, you’ll download the day’s stages and your squad’s data to your mobile device. When your squad completes their last stage, you’ll upload your scores to submit them. The Match Director will send all the scores to Practiscore, where they’ll be available later that day.

Some Things To Remember

  • If you register for the match by yourself, you’ll also need a shot timer. If you shoot the match with family members or friends, at least one person in your group should have a shot timer.

  • Ensure that your mobile device has a decent amount of battery life left or bring a power cable to charge it between stages. To preserve your battery, enable “Airplane Mode” on your device to turn off Bluetooth, GPS and WiFi while shooting the match. You’ll only need to enable WiFi when you download stage and squad information at the Shooter’s Meeting, and when submitting your scores at the end of the match.

  • At each stage, confirm your times and any penalties. When you tap the “Approve” button in Practiscore, you’re saying that the data entered is correct. There are NO modifications to scores once your scores are uploaded to the match tablet.

  • Why did I get a “DNF (Did Not Finish)” on a stage? If there was no record of your score in the match tablet, it’s likely a scorer error (did not save score, etc), however if you did shoot the stage and heard hits and stage times called-out, then you missed tapping the “Approve” button on your squad’s mobile device. That was your chance to ensure all your stage data was correct. Again, you are the only person responsible for ensuring the validity of your scores.

  • I was put in the wrong division/class – what should I do? Email the Match Director with the correct information.