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HomeUSPSA Pre-Registration

PractiScore Comes To SWPL


Fellow luddites! USPSA scoring at SWPL is now paperless. Each squad is provided a tablet running Practiscore and loaded with the stage and pre-registration data. As scoring and timing duties are rotated through each squad, you have the opportunity to run the timer or record scores when you’re not shooting a stage.


If you aren’t already familiar with Practiscore, it’s easy to learn. Install the (Free) Practiscore App on an Apple iPhone or iPad, or Android phone or tablet. Then experiment with the App at home or during your range sessions.


Squads receive their tablets from the event staff during the Shooter’s Meeting. Select your squad’s number on your first stage and begin entering scores. When your squad completes their last stage, return the tablet to the event staff. The Match Director uploads the shooter scores to Practiscore after the match and all the match scores are available on the Practiscore website later that day, and on the SWPL web page.


From Dave…USPSA Registration Is Now Online

Okay. Everyone knows that the sport we shoot today started with Jeff Cooper and the Southwest Pistol League (originally called the Southwest Combat Pistol League) over 60
years ago in Southern California. Everything in life changes, and SWPL is also changing to join the 21st Century.

For about 20 years, we’ve had open squading, registration at the door (or outdoors) and no fixed start time. Shooting sometimes started while stages were still being built. It’s painfully noisy without hearing protection AND it doesn’t leave time to fully set and safety-check stages.

There have been squads in excess of 20 shooters and others of as few as two. With shooters arriving as late as 11:00am, the day stretched into the late hours. Squads backed up on some stages while, at the same time, other stages were entirely empty, leading to complaints about excessive wait times. This also prevented the staff from returning to their families before sundown. Because all staff are volunteers, this was especially…irksome.

“What if someone does something irksome, and I decide to remove his spine?”
“That’s… that’s actually murder, one of the worst crimes of all. Also illegal.”

―Drax and Rhomann Dey

To correct these problems REGISTRATION IS NOW ONLINE, using PractiScore’s Registration service. Online Registration eliminates sign-up table lines, makes it easier to form squads, and smooths the flow of shooters through stages by offering these features:

  • There are a FIXED NUMBER of squads
  • Squad sizes are stabilized by ELIMINATING “SQUAD JUMPING”
  • Accommodation will be made for only a VERY LIMITED NUMBER of WALK-ONS
Hopefully, this will allow things to run more smoothly and efficiently, providing every shooter the opportunity to enjoy all the awesome stages! Pre-Register now.

How Does Pre-Registration Work?

On the PractiScore website, create an account (if you don’t already have one), search for SWPL USPSA, then register for the match. On the day of the match, pay the entry fee and confirm your registration with the event staff. SWPL provides scoring tablets for each squad, which are distributed at the 8:15am safety briefing. On the squad tablet, confirm that all your squad members are present. Then, First Shots are at 8:30am, unless otherwise announced during the safety briefing.