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There Are No Actual Gophers
The Gopher Flats Sportsmen’s Club is a Shooting Sports Club in a wilderness area of Los Angeles County's San Fernando Valley. The club hosts practice sessions, formal and informal matches, training classes, and the occasional herd of deer. Though wildlife in the area is varied and abundant, no gophers have chosen to reside here and it's unclear why the club is named for them.

The club property is open only to members and their guests. But, once a month, both members and non-members are welcomed to matches on the portion of the property dedicated to rental use. Follow the links for match details:

- USPSA Handgun and Carbine Action Shooting
- SCSA Steel Challenge Handgun and Carbine Action Shooting

Members also enjoy these Shooting Sports on the club property and on other ranges:

- Trap and Skeet Clay Pigeon Shooting
- SASS Cowboy Action Shooting
- Rimfire Target Shooting
- Multigun Action Shooting
- PRC and Highpower Rifle Target Shooting
- ICORE Revolver Action Shooting


The club started in the late 1940’s at its current location. It's unlikely any founding members are still active, but members currently range in age from preteens to retirees, and vary in gender, ethnicity, profession, and shooting experience.

Attend a monthly club meeting if you're interested in membership. Email the club membership chair for details. No special qualifications are required for membership other than interest in the shooting sports and a cheerful outlook.

Range Rental
A portion of the club property is dedicated to Action Shooting matches, Firearms Training, Law Enforcement Agency Training, and Film Production. Email the club for rental details.